Conference App
Please note that this app is designed for in-person delegates. If you are a virtual attendee, a zoom webinar linked will be email to you.
The app will host information such as the program, speakers, exhibitor details, and much more!
We strongly encourage you to download the app prior to your arrival to Canberra and familiarise yourself with the features.
Please note that there will be no printed conference handbook or program. The app is your key source of information for the conference.
Download the app using the links below:
ANZSOM ASM Conference App - Apple App Store
ANZSOM ASM Conference App - Google Play Store
Your Login Details
Event App Code: ANZSOM23
Your username and pin will be emailed to you by Iceberg Events. Please check your inbox for these details.
Downloading the Conference App
Using the Conference App
Dinner Table Allocation
You may choose to select a table for the conference dinner on Tuesday 24 October at Old Parliament House.
1. Please ensure you have enabled your details to be shared by updating your settings in the "Privacy and Settings" icon on the app.
2. Click on the "Dinner Table Selection" icon and then click on Conference Dinner.
3. Here you will be able to choose a table, invite a guest to your table, accept table invitations, view the status of your table, and update your table allocation.
If you have any questions. Please see the Iceberg Events staff.