
The theme for our 2023 ASM is “From Ramazzini to Robots: the Future of Work, Health and Humanity” and will explore what’s in store for the occupational medicine field, with a positive and clear nod to the past. 

With educational opportunities including a line-up of presentations from industry experts, CPR training and site tours of some of Canberra’s relevant facilities, the 2023 ASM is an event you don’t want to miss! In addition, an extensive social program including Welcome Reception, Nurses’ Dinner and Conference Gala Dinner will provide fantastic opportunities for you to connect with colleagues and forge new bonds with industry partners and fellow delegates.

This program is an outline only. Program current as at 12 April 2023.
This program is subject to change without notice. Please check back at this webpage for any program updates.


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11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

General council meeting

1:30 PM to 4:30 PM

CPR workshop

The CPR Skills Update provides an opportunity to meet your certification requirements. In line with the specifications for HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, the course will cover:

  • response to emergency situations
  • performance of CPR procedures
  • communication of details of the incident, and
  • administering defibrillation.


NOTE: Attendance at the CPR Skills Update is not included in Full Registration and should be purchased separately.

4:30 PM

Registration desk open prior to Welcome Reception

Location: Ballroom pre-function area

6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Welcome Reception

The Welcome reception will be held at Ostani at Hotel Realm. Designed as a meeting place for relaxation or business, Ostani celebrates the good things in life - friendship, family, fun and food. 

Dress: Smart Casual

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For more information on the Welcome Reception, please click here

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8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Registration desk open

Location: Ballroom pre-function area

9:00 AM to 9:30 AM

Official conference opening and Welcome to Country

ANZSOM Welcome
Dr Dominic Yong
ANZSOM, Federal President

AFOEM Welcome
Dr Warren Harrex
President, AFOEM

9:30 AM to 10:30 AM

From Ramazzini to Robots: a public health physician's thoughts on occupational hazards old and new - Professor Paul Kelly

Session Chair - Dr Dominic Yong

In this presentation, Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly will reflect on the work of Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714), who described physical, air borne and nutritional hazards for workers in his seminal work De Morbis Artificum Diatriba (1700).  Professor Kelly will also consider the lessons he learnt from the experience of leading the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how this was informed by occupational health frameworks. He will also discuss some of the other emerging occupational hazards and how the Australian Government is working to mitigate these, including through innovative approaches to data collection and surveillance, some of which could involve robots!

Proudly sponsored by:

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Professor Paul Kelly | Sonic HealthPlus

10:30 AM to 11:00 AM

Morning tea & exhibition

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

The digital revolution in medicine

2023 is already being touted as a breakthrough year for technology, with many opportunities as well as significant challenges. While progress in wearable and assistive technology are already supporting safety and fitness for work, and digital systems are streamlining workforce management, areas such as artificial intelligence are just beginning to impact our work and the operations of workplaces. This session will explore what’s happening now and what lies ahead, and how you need to adapt.

Session Chair - Dr Sarah Moss

1100 - 1140
Unleashing the power of technology : A glimpse into the future of healthcare (and the impact on occupational medicine)
Dr Amandeep Hansra
Founder, Creative Careers in Medicine

Amandeep will take you on a journey into the future of medicine. She will touch on how technology is transforming the way in which we deliver care, from the use of generative AI, IoT through to virtual care and wearables. She will explore how new technologies will impact the field of occupational medicine using big data, analytics, AI and virtual reality. Amandeep will explain where Australia is on its digital health journey and some of the challenges we still face including addressing privacy and ethics concerns. She will also discuss the changing need of professional development so the healthcare workforce can be adequately prepared for delivering care in an increasingly digital world. 

1140 - 1200
Monitoring insulin therapy in safety critical workers

Dr Jeremy Robertson
Flight Medical Officer, Qantas Airways Ltd.

Jeremy started his career as a pilot, working as a flying instructor, charter pilot and international airline pilot. In 2010 he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which forced a career change. He graduated from USyd with an MBBS in 2015. In 2020 Jeremy was successful in regaining his Class 1 aviation medical, and is currently employed by Qantas in a dual role as an aviation medicine doctor and pilot. He manages his diabetes with a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor and a Tandem t:slim hybrid closed loop insulin pump. He will explain how this latest technology in type 1 diabetes monitoring and treatment enables him to safely fly commercial planes and can be implemented in other safety critical industries.

1200 - 1230
A glimpse into technology use in rehabilitation

Louise Pearce
Senior Physiotherapist, Royal Rehab

Royal Rehab, a Sydney-based provider of rehabilitation services opened a new advanced technology therapy centre in 2022. As the largest centre of its kind in the southern hemisphere, this centre incorporates a wide range of technologies including robotic and virtual reality gaming devices. But what does this actually look like clinically? Through this presentation you will get a glimpse into how advanced technologies are being used in the rehabilitation of neurological disorders.

1230 - 1300
Big boys' toys
Dr Chris Cunneen
Director, Occphyz Consulting

Over the past decade, reflecting  the changing international geopolitics, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has purchased multiple new items of warfighting equipment to enhance its defence capability and enable its soldiers, sailors and pilots to prosecute their mission with greater survivability. This increased Defence capability comes at considerable financial cost to the Australian taxpayer and is associated with a considerable training burden and different levels of risk.

This presentation will highlight some of these various new ADF platforms, their individual and collective risks and discuss their current management. 

Proudly sponsored by

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Dr Amandeep Hansra | Dr Chris Cunneen | Dr Jeremy Robertson | Louise Pearce | VitalSignRx

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Lunch & exhibition

2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Worksite visits

The Annual Scientific Meeting is well known for its practical, hands-on approach to learning. Bookings for individual site visits will be offered closer to the conference dates. The visits provide insight into the varying nature of work and the issues facing employers, employees and health professionals. 

Current site visit offerings for Monday include:

  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • National Gallery of Australia
  • Australian Maritime Safety Authority
  • Australian Federal Police Forensics Lab
  • The Museum of Australian Democracy - Old Parliament House

For more information on worksite visits, please click here

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) workshop

Reconciliation has and continues to be a core issue for workplaces across Australia as they seek to make a meaningful contribution to advancing reconciliation efforts. ANZSOM itself is also looking to embed our commitment as a professional society through the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) process. This workshop will explore the concept and process of RAP development and the important role of occupational health professionals.  

3:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Afternoon tea

3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Nurse Recognition Program workshop

The recently introduced ANZSOM Occupational Health Nurse Recognition Program is a major initiative for the profession of occupational health nursing and establishes ANZSOM as the lead body for recognition and development of occupational health nurses. The program, and its companion in the Competency Standards for Occupational Health Nurses, also help drive consistent practice and provide workplaces with a quality benchmark for attracting professional staff. This workshop aims to guide those interested in aspiring to this recognition level, with discussion around the process and the evidence required.

6:30 PM to 11:00 PM

Nurses' Dinner

This special event for Occupational Health Nurses' continues the tradition started at the ASM2018 to show some appreciation for the hard work and give an opportunity for fun and connections with your fellow nurses. 

For more information on the Nurses Dinner, please click here

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TruHealth Solutions

7:30 AM to 8:30 AM

Journal club

Now a well-established feature of the ANZSOM CPD calendar, Journal Club is a great opportunity to build your critical appraisal skills while exploring the latest evidence in workplace health.  This special conference edition will provide a rare opportunity for face-to-face discussion.

For more information on preparing for Journal Club, please see here.

Article - Safety incidents and obstructive sleep apnoea in railway workers

M. Abeyaratne1, A. Casolin2 and G. Luscombe3
1Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000, Australia,
2Transport for NSW, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, 2113, Australia,
3The University of Sydney School of Rural Health, Orange, New South Wales 2800, Australia.
Correspondence to: M. Abeyaratne, Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Read Article

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Dr Thea Leman

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Registration desk open

Location: Ballroom pre-function area

9:00 AM to 9:05 AM

Day 2 Welcome

9:05 AM to 10:45 AM

Psychosocial matters: we are not robots

Psychosocial issues have come into sharp focus with recent WHS legislation now requiring organisations to proactively manage psychosocial risks. At the same time, there is evidence that psychosocial factors present significant barriers to return to work, which has implications for both workplaces and compensation schemes. This session will bring you up to date with recent initiatives likely to affect your practice now and into the future.

Session Chair: Dr Catherine Field

0905 - 0930
Achieving the business and human benefits of a mentally healthy workplace

Dr Teri Lillington
Policy and Advocacy Committee Member, AFOEM

Mentally healthy workplaces  are vital to the future of work. There are exciting opportunities to improve human and business outcomes by integrating a positive approach to mental health into business systems.  Using examples from global projects in a large multinational organisation, Dr. Lillington will build the case for why a mentally healthy workplace makes business sense, what data you can use to build buy in from stakeholders and demonstrate the actions that will provide results for your own workplaces and those of your clients. She will also demonstrate a new evidence based, nationally-developed resource, which is freely available to all and designed to support building a mentally healthy workplace.

0930 - 0955
It Pays to Care: using the evidence to provide quality and coordinated work injury management

Dr Mary Wyatt

Sandra Code
Health Wellbeing Manager, Kinetic

It pays to care was launched by AFOEM / RACP in April 2022.  Through the Model of Cooperation between AFOEM and ANZSOM we agreed to promote the policy via ANZSOM. 

This talk aims to provide a practical approach to how occupational physicians and other occupational health providers can practically use the policy in their everyday work.  For patient care and treatment, and to constructively influence other scheme participants in their roles. 

The session will also provide an update on our active approach to advocacy and engagement with the industry, including with scheme leaders and scheme policymakers around Australia.  

0955 - 1020
Non specific low back pain - A "novel approach" - looking at new evidence to manage an old problem

Dr Catherine Kelaher
Senior Occupational Environmental Physician, JHC Defence

The increasing prevalence and associated burden of disability requires action. In Dr Kelaher's presentation, she proposes to review recent guidance and emerging evidence in the field to support a comprehensive best practice approach to support prevention and management of people with low back pain. 

1020 - 1045
Outline of Australia Post's EMCAP program

Melanie Ianssen
Head of Rehabilitation, Australia Post

Learn how a brand new approach to preventing workplace psychological injuries delivers outstanding results. The relationship between physical health and mental health has been researched extensively and is now well understood. In this presentation, Melanie will describe how Australia Post were able to dramatically improve return to work outcomes for one of Australia’s most culturally and geographically diverse organisations.

Proudly sponsored by:

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Dr Cath Kelaher | Dr Mary Wyatt | Melanie Ianssen | Dr Teri Lillington | Sandra Code | EML Group

10:45 AM to 11:15 AM

Morning tea & exhibition

11:15 AM to 1:00 PM

Update on silicosis: an ancient disease with a modern twist

This is a topic that continues to be of vital importance as a growing number of workers in the stonetop bench industry are diagnosed with accerated silicosis. Our members are at the forefront of efforts to introduce industry controls and improve clinical care for those affected. This session will provide updates on current advocacy efforts, national strategy and legislative directions, diagnostic and care initiatives, and clinical management.

Session Chair: Dr Maggie Goldie

1115 - 1135
Recommendations from the National Dust Disease Taskforce

Dr Graeme Edwards
Senior Consulting Physician, Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Silica dust related diseases are archetypal. What are the lessons learnt, institutional inertia and what’s next? Imagine what we would know about Long COVID today, if the health consequences of a respiratory hazard called SARS-Cov-2 had been entered into an existing infrastructure for a national respiratory disease registry operational in June 2020! What would we know now if we could have collated the case histories of those who have suffered and those people who are continuing to suffer. Dr Edwards will highlight the progress implementing all the recommendations of the National Dust Disease Taskforce, and what’s next on the path of putting “health” back into “work health and safety".

1135 - 1155
Silica – a journey of regulatory change

Jackii Shepherd
Senior Director, WorkSafe ACT

Addressing the re-emergence of silicosis is a complex task that has needed the co-operation, collaboration and commitment from a wide range of experts, workers, families and businesses themselves, and of course Governments across Australia. In this presentation, you will hear the journey of an occupational hygienist navigating the National and state political environments to drive evidence based change and how one small jurisdiction is going beyond the model and enforcing positive change to protect workers from exposures to respirable crystalline silica.

1155 - 1225
Respirable crystalline silica - health screening assessments 

Dr Majid Rahgozar
Occupational Physician VMO, The Alfred Hospital

Established in 2021, the Alfred Hospital Occupational Respiratory Clinic is Australia’s only dedicated public hospital occupational respiratory clinic, providing comprehensive assessment and care for people at risk of developing silicosis.

In this presentation, Dr Rahgozar will outline the clinic’s approach to history taking and data collection, clinical examination and review of investigations, as well as planning.

1225 - 1300
Occupational dust lung disease detection and categorisation

Professor Catherine Jones
Radiologist, I-MED Radiology

Technological advances in medical imaging over the last five years have led to a paradigm shift in the way occupational dust lung disease is detected and characterised. Radiology now not only has the ability to detect disease, but through the rapidly emerging field of machine learning has the ability to predict future disease development and progression of current disease. This talk will outline the brave new world of individual, person-centred diagnostic care for dust disease in the era of low dose CT and artificial intelligence.

Proudly sponsored by:

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Professor Catherine Jones | Dr Graeme Edwards | Jackii Shepherd | Dr Majid Rahgozar | WorkSafe ACT

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Lunch & exhibition

2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Worksite visits

The Annual Scientific Meeting is well known for its practical, hands-on approach to learning. Bookings for individual site visits will be offered closer to the conference dates. The visits provide insight into the varying nature of work and the issues facing employers, employees and health professionals. 

Current site visit offerings for Tuesday include:

  • Australian Federal Police Forensics Lab
  • The Royal Australian Mint
  • The Museum of Australian Democracy - Old Parliament House
  • Australian Transport Safety Bureau
  • Pacific Stone - Canberra's largest supplier of stone benchtops

For more information on worksite visits, please click here

2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

A practical update for registrars, nurses, and doctors (concurrent session)

This workshop will be held during the Tuesday Worksite Visits

1400 - 1530
Could it be Work-Related?

Dr Farhan Shahzad
Lecturer, Mededucation online

A/Prof John Schneider
Lecturer, Mededucation online

A practical awareness update for occupational health professionals; first responders, nurses, doctors and trainees

1600 - 1700
Mastering PPE Fit: Conquering Safety Challenges with Science
Julie Toseski
Occupational Hygienist-Application Engineer Specialist, 3M Australia Pty Ltd

Matt Burgess
Regional Sales Manager, 3M Personal Safety Division

In this informative and interactive presentation, the session will explore the frequently underestimated significance of fit in PPE applications. Attendees will gain insights into the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach and the pivotal role of personalised solutions in achieving effective protection. Speakers will present various methods for evaluating and enhancing fit, providing attendees with the knowledge necessary to drive safety advancements within their workplace.

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Dr Farhan Shahzad | A/Prof John Schneider | Julie Toseski | Matt Burgess

3:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Afternoon tea

6:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Conference Dinner

The Conference dinner will be held at Old Parliament House. Refurbished to reflect its original grandeur, this renowned heritage-listed venue will be a fabulous backdrop to this year’s ANZSOM conference dinner.

Special guest speaker: 
Nipuni Wijewickrema - Co-founder, GG’s Flowers

For more information on the Conference Dinner, please click here

Proudly sponsored by

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Nipuni Wijewickrema | MedHealth Group

7:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Registration desk open

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM

ANZSOM Annual General Meeting

Breakfast included!

9:00 AM to 9:05 AM

Day 3 Welcome

9:05 AM to 10:00 AM

Hugh Denehy Oration - occupational and environmental medicine; past, present and future

Prof Malcolm Sim
Occupational Physician & Emeritus Professor, Monash University

The Hugh Denehy Oration was presented for the first time at the 2006 ANZSOM Annual Scientific Meeting to celebrate the memory of one of ANZSOM's founding members, and one of its greatest proponents. 

Few have contributed as much to occupational medicine and workers' health as Professor Malcolm Sim, renowned nationally and internationally for his work in research, education, advocacy and policy.

Session Chair: Dr Dominic Yong

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Emeritus Professor Malcolm Sim AM

10:00 AM to 10:15 AM

Kevin Sleigh Memorial Presentation - Ramazzini winner 2023

Dr Grant Townsend
Senior Occupational Physician Registrar, OccuMED

Each year we invite the winner of the Ramazzini Prize to present at the ANZSOM conference, in honour of the late Dr Kevin Sleigh, who was a generous mentor to young professionals and a champion of excellence in the field of occupational medicine. The prize is awarded annually through the Australasian Faculty of Occupational Medicine (AFOEM) for the best scientific paper related to occupational and environmental medicine presented by a trainee.

Audit of mining workforce demographic changes over a five-year period & analysis of aging workforce impacts
The project involved conducting an audit of a single, Western Australian mining company to act as a snapshot health risk assessment for the industry by determining if their average worker age was progressively increasing over time or not. If this was confirmed, then it could be a significant driver of insidiously increasing cardiovascular disease risk for the employees of a remote mining company within the context of an aging workforce.  If this positive relationship was confirmed, then this audit could form the foundational step towards advocating for greater medical resources expenditures on these remote mine sites to assisting mitigating against this elevated cardiovascular disease risk associated with older workers.

Session Chair: Dr Dominic Yong

Attendance at the conference by the Ramazzini winner is supported by Sonic HealthPlus

Read More:
Dr Grant Townsend | Sonic HealthPlus

10:15 AM to 10:45 AM

Morning tea & exhibition

10:45 AM to 12:30 PM

Contributed papers (concurrent session)

Session Chair - Dr Tom Rosenthal

1045 - 1100
History of occupational medicine

Dr Thea Leman
Occupational Physician Registrar, Baseline Onsite

Dr Jessica Johnson
Medical Director, Baseline Onsite

1100 - 1115
Medicinal Cannabinoids- what is the risk? Safety critical work considerations

Dr Karina Powers
Occupational Physician, AbilityOPN

1115 - 1130
The health of surgeons after the COVID-19 pandemic

Professor Karen Walker-Bone
Professor, Monash University

1130 - 1145
The Victorian WorkCover Authority IME worksite visit program

Dr Bruce Hocking
Bruce Hocking And Assoc

1145 - 1200
Precision orthopaedic rehabilitation: using digital technology for remote monitoring of patient performance and outcomes

Dr Mark Hurworth
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic

1200 - 1215
Demonstrating the value of occupational health - a window to the future through the analysis of human risk data

Dr Peter Connaughton
Occupational Physician, Simcon Occupational Health

1215 - 1230
Deaths in Australia from work-related heat stress

Dr Richie Gun
Occupational Physician

Presenter's are eligible for the David Goddard Best Paper Award. For more information please click on the button below. 

David Goddard Best Paper Award

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Dr Bruce Hocking | Dr Mark Hurworth | Dr Jessica Johnson | Dr Karina Powers | Dr Peter Connaughton | Dr Richie Gun | Dr Thea Leman | Prof. Karen Walker-Bone

10:45 AM to 12:30 PM

Nurses' session (concurrent session)

Of broad interest to nurses as well as other OH professionals, the Nurses’ sessions traditionally focus on practical issues in managing worker health. This session will include:

Session Chair: Sally Kane

Hearing protection fit testing - a journey of implementation at a large industrial site in Sydney
Amanda Tompson
Occupational Health/Return To Work Coordinator, Qenos

Julie Toseski
Occupational Hygienist-Application Engineer Specialist, 3M Australia Pty Ltd

This presentation addresses how a large manufacturing site has improved its hearing conservation program by testing the fit and efficiency of hearing protection devices (HPDs) through science-based technology.

How do we care for our healthcare workers ? Identifying strategies to prevent burnout
Frank Evola
CNC Staff Health and Respiratory Protection Program Coordinator, MLHD Staff Health Service

Dr Karina Powers 
Occupational Physician, AbilityOPN

The COVID pandemic has shed light on the demands that face our frontline healthcare workers and the need for better understanding and sustainable strategies for improving their health and safety and preventing burnout. This presentation will support your understanding of the challenges facing healthcare workers and explore how we can work to bring about change.   

Read More:
Amanda Tompson | Dr Karina Powers | Frank Evola | Julie Toseski

12:30 PM to 1:20 PM

Lunch & exhibition

1:20 PM to 1:30 PM

David Goddard Best Paper Award Presentation

1:30 PM to 3:15 PM

Fitness to drive updates (concurrent session)

With the release of a new edition of the national Assessing Fitness to Drive standards in June 2022, this practice area continues to evolve. The session will cover important updates relevant to commercial vehicle drivers, together with tools and resources to support fitness for duty assessments.

Session Chair: Dr Prasad Abeydeera

1330 - 1350
Assessing Fitness to Drive – why do we need a medical standard for this?

Dr Ilse Stockhoff
National Medical Director, Jobfit

This session will provide an overview of the importance of the Assessing Fitness to Drive standards and how this coincides with the work Occupational Medical Practioners and Occupational Physicians do. As part of this session, Dr Stockhoff will also provide a summary of the major changes, updates and amendments of the June 2022 standard.

1350 - 1405
Assessing awareness

Dr Graeme Edwards
Senior Consulting Physician, Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Lack of awareness is a problem for any medical condition particularly for safety critical workers. With the accessibility of PSG2 standard home sleep studies our knowledge and understanding of all sleep disorders, the likely prevalence of the syndromes of disordered sleep, and the potentiating effect of moderate sleep disorders on the treatment of co-morbidities, is rapidly changing. Dr Edwards will provide an update on the changes to the Road and Rail Standards and what it means to your practices.

1405 - 1500
Insights from the Canberra fitness to drive medical clinic

Clinical Associate Professor Vanita Parekh AM
Director of Clinical Forensic Medical Services, Canberra Health Services

This session will include an introduction and background to the Clinical Forensic Medicine specialty, and a presentation about the Canberra Fitness to Drive clinic, including some interesting cases and toxicology insights and cases from a traffic medicine/clinical forensic medicine perspective.

1500 - 1515
Questions / panel discussion with all session speakers

Proudly sponsored by:


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Dr Graeme Edwards | Dr Ilse Stockhoff | Clinical Associate Professor Vanita Parekh | Austroads

1:30 PM to 3:15 PM

Nurses' session (concurrent session)

Of broad interest to nurses as well as other OH professionals, the Nurses’ sessions traditionally focus on practical issues in managing worker health. This session will include:

Session Chairs: Sally Kane and  Amanda Tompson

Psychosocial hazard management journey
Sally Kane
Environment, Health, and Safety Manager, Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd

Since October 2022, most Australian States and Territories have passed legislation to adopt Model WHS Psychosocial Regulations. This presentation will explore how one multinational company has addressed its obligations to consult with workers and develop a plan to identify and manage the unique psychosocial risks affecting its workforce. The presentation will provide practical insights to guide those starting out as well as those already on this important journey.  

Work Health on Wheels – a mobile workplace health initiative in QLD
​Peter Gould
Head of Worker Health Services, Work Health On Wheels

Adrienne Tracy
Tracy Consulting Services

Work Health on Wheels has hit the road taking occupational health services to business directly at their site. Gain an insight on the challenges of bring the Work Health on Wheels a OHN Lead Clinic to business to life. Take a deep dive into bringing a good idea to life through COVID and in the very set in concrete Australian way of doing Occupational Health.

Read More:
Peter Gould | Sally Kane | Adrienne Tracy

3:15 PM to 3:30 PM

Afternoon tea and conference close