21 February 2020, Harold Park Community Hall, Tramsheds, Sydney

  • Join us for Trees for Liveable Cities: Delivering Effective Green Infrastructure, 21 February 2020
  • Join us for Trees for Liveable Cities: Delivering Effective Green Infrastructure, 21 February 2020
  • Join us for Trees for Liveable Cities: Delivering Effective Green Infrastructure, 21 February 2020

Media Release

WHAT: Trees for Liveable Cities: Delivering Effective Green Infrastructure – a one-day inter-disciplinary forum
WHEN: Friday, 21st February 2020. 8.30 am
WHERE: The Tramsheds, Glebe
HOSTED BY: The Institute of Australian Consulting Aboriculturists (IACA)
CONTACT: To obtain a media pass and attend the forum or arrange interviews, please phone 0414 682 001

The forum will be opened by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

The keynote address will be delivered by international urban forest and urban greening expert, Professor Cecil Konijnendijk from the University of British Columbia. He will discuss some of the success factors for delivering green infrastructure. “One of the key success factors is to truly collaborate across disciplines and through all spheres of government.”

Professor Konijnendijk will be delivering a webinar and meeting with key people in the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) on Thursday, before the forum on Friday.

Other speakers at Friday’s forum include:

  • Steve Hartley, Executive Director Greening and Resilient Places, DPIE
  • Dr Sujata Allan, Doctors for the Environment Australia – heat-related illness, respiratory disease and sun cancer
  • Professor Thomas Astell-Burt, University of Wollongong – Green space quality links with human health and wellbeing.
  • Dr Sara Barron, University of Melbourne – Increasing green cover and urban canopy
  • Ben Peacock, Greener Spaces Better Places – The Power of Collaboration


The Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Committee invites you to join them for a one-day forum on 21 February 2020 at the Harold Park Community Hall in the Tramsheds, Sydney, New South Wales.

Trees for Liveable Cities: Delivering Effective Green Infrastructure is a forum that will highlight the benefits and challenges of green infrastructure and consider how arborists, planners, architects, landscape architects, developers, engineers, urban designers, politicians and the general community can actively contribute to improving urban forest canopy.

The Australian Government, in announcing its Cities Agenda in 2015, recognized green infrastructure as a key component for liveable cities. In 2018, the 1st World Forum on Urban Forests, an initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, issued a Call for Action. The Call for Action noted that urban forests help attain many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Also in 2018, the NSW Government announced a goal to achieve 40% urban forest canopy over Greater Sydney by 2030.

We look forward to seeing you there!