
This program is indicative only and is subject to change. Check back at this page for any program updates. 


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Registration Open

9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Session One

9:00am - Welcome to Country
Uncle Allan Murray, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council

9:10am - Welcome Address & Opening of the Forum
The Lord Mayor Clover Moore, City of Sydney

9:25am - Keynote address: From Green Infrastructure to Place Making: How Trees Can Make Our Cities More Resilient and Welcoming
Dr Cecil Konijnendijk, University of British Columbia

10:10am - Impacts of Heat on Human Health; Air Quality and Respiratory Disease; Sun Cancer
Dr Sujata Allan, Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA)

10:40 AM to 11:10 AM

Morning Tea

11:10 AM to 1:00 PM

Session Two

11:10am - Parklife: Reflecting on the Evidence Linking Green Space Quality and Type with Health and Wellbeing
Professor Thomas Astell-Burt, PowerLab, University of Wollongong

11:40am - Urban Forest Potentials in Dense Landscapes
Dr Sara Barron, University of Melbourne

12:10pm - Challenges and Opportunities in Increasing Green Cover and Urban Canopy
Steve Hartley, Green & Resilient Places, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

12:35pm - The Urban Tree Puzzle
Ross Clark, Trees Impact

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM


2:00 PM to 2:45 PM

Session Three

3:30 PM to 3:45 PM

Afternoon Tea

3:45 PM to 5:00 PM

Session Four

3:45pm - The Power of Collaboration
Ben Peacock, Greener Spaces Better Places

4:00pm - A Strategic Review of The City of Sydney’s Urban Forest; Targets and Capacity for a Greener Sydney by 2050
Karen Sweeney, Urban Forest Manager, City of Sydney

4:15pm - Living Melbourne - Greenprinting a Metropolis.
Martin Hartigan, Resilient Melbourne & The Nature Conservancy Australia

4:45pm - Summary: Where to From Here
Dr Cecil Konijnendijk, University of British Columbia

5:00pm Forum Concludes

5:00 PM to 5:05 PM

Forum Close