Mark Collen was originally from England. He began his enjoyment in Chemistry in later years of High School, completing an Honours degree in Industrial Chemistry (part time) at UTS, whilst working in laboratories and manufacturing facilities in Sydney. During this time a particular interest in water management and environmental protection was developed. He graduated with honours majoring in environmental assessment and processes.
Mark was awarded the Francis Feledy award for achievement whilst at University.
Mark has been employed with water treatment companies in Queensland for past 17 years, working with almost all Hospitals in Queensland, focusing on water treatment, water and energy management, and recycling of resources.
Mark underwent training for project management and went onto to manage a number of major projects. Of late, the focus on legionella management in potable systems came to the forefront. Mark was involved in providing ongoing solutions to Wesley Hospital following the legionella-based fatality.
He has more recently become involved in auditing, assessing designing, and installing AS4187:2014 plants in multiple facilities in Victoria, Western Australia, and Queensland.