Speaker Presentations

Please find below the presentations available for download. Please be aware that only those presentations where the presenter has provided consent to publish are provided below.


Monday 25 November 2019 | Tuesday 26 November 2019 | Wednesday 27 November 2019


11.00am - Using virtual reality to improve coastal water safety and hazard identification: A strategy for child drowning prevention
Paola Araiza, Swinburne University of Technology

11.00am - Estimating the burden of child drowning in the Indian Sundarbans: A novel, lowcost approach
Medhavi Gupta, The George Institute for Global Health

11.15am - Removing risk score from falls risk assessment does not impact patient falls
Diana Clayton, Peninsula Health

11.30am - Kidsafe Victoria’s Online Child Injury Prevention Learning Module for Maternal and Child Health Nurses
Jason Chambers, Kidsafe Victoria

11.30am - Community falls prevention presentations: Participants with high verses low knowledge
Catrina Wold, Injury Matters

11.30am - Agent-based modelling and mandatory helmet legislation: An investigation of downstream healthcare costs and benefits
Ian Teichert, University of Melbourne

11.45am - Analysing online forum discussions to explore the problem of infant falls
Nipuna Cooray, The George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales

12.15pm - Keeping Western Australian children safe on our farms
Anita Tsvetkov, Kidsafe WA

12.15pm - How well was an exercise-based falls prevention program for older Australians with vision impairment implemented? A process evaluation
Lisa Dillon, The George Institute for Global Health

12.15pm - Using the Behaviour Change Wheel to develop a child car seat project in South Africa: A scoping project
Kate Hunter, The George Institute for Global Health

1.30pm - Sustainable implementation of the SwimSafe drowning prevention program in Bangladesh: Gender perspectives, impacts and influences
Medhavi Gupta, The George Institute for Global Health

1.45pm - Breathalysing and surveying river users in Australia: Translating research into practice
Amy Peden, Royal Life Saving Society - Australia

2.00pm - A decade of action on child drowning prevention in Thailand
Suchada Gerdmongkolgan, Bureau of Non-communicable Diseases

2.00pm - ‘It’s just a matter of adapting them accordingly’: Stakeholder perspectives of falls prevention for adults aged 50 years and above with vision impairment
Lisa Dillon, The George Institute for Global Health

2.00pm - Hold the Red: Innovative technology reducing the risk of crashes at signalised intersections
Peter Kolesnik, Queensland Transport and Main Roads

2.15pm - NSW Study of Drowning and Near Drowning in Children (0-16 years)
Sue Wicks, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

2.15pm - Comparing hospitalised trends, treatment cost and health outcomes of fall-related hip fractures in residential aged care and the community
Rebecca Mitchell, Macquarie University

2.15pm - Exploring policy and support strategies to improve experiences of the VicRoads medical review process
Yeewah Yam, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV)

2.30pm - You know your message but how well do you know your audience?
Louise Cosgrove, Kids and Traffic, NSW Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program, Macquarie University

2.30pm - Safe transportation of our community’s most vulnerable children
Jason Chambers, Kidsafe Victoria

3.30pm - Spatial and temporal variation in fatal and non-fatal drowning events across Victoria, Australia (2007 – 2016)
Bernadette Matthews, Life Saving Victoria

3.30pm - A whole school approach to student safety, health and well-being in Western Australian schools
Allison Hass, Road Safety and Drug Education Branch

3.30pm - Responsive surveillance for prevention policy: A case study of the lime scooter trial in Brisbane
Kirsten Vallmuur, Queensland University of Technology and Jamieson Trauma Institute

3.30pm - What’s needed to improve the drug driving issue in Victoria?
Yeewah Yam, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV)

3.45pm - When environmental solutions take too long: The vital role of education and enterprise in child injury prevention
McKeely Denholm, Kidsafe SA

3.45pm - Pushing boundaries: Looking back, leaping forward for injury prevention health promotion programs
Russ Milner, Department of Health WA

4.00pm - Media as a tool for injury prevention advocacy: A drowning prevention case study from the Australian summer
Amy Peden, Royal Life Saving Society - Australia

4.00pm - Swings and roundabouts - The making of child injury prevention policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: An exploration
Julie Chambers, Chambers NZ

4.15pm - Hazardous child products on the Australian and USA market 2011-2017: An empirical analysis of child-related product safety recalls
Catherine Niven, Queensland University of Technology

4.15pm - Engaging with local governments for injury prevention
Emily Anderson, Injury Matters

4.15pm - Evaluation of Keys4Life Pre-driver Education in Western Australia Secondary Schools
Allison Hass, Road Safety and Drug Education Branch

4.30pm - Milestones in Childhood Safety Legislation
John Pearn, Queensland Children’s Hospital

4.45pm - A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact speed and probability of pedestrian fatality or injury
Jake Olivier, University of New South Wales

4.45pm - How do you know your products safe?
Ruth Barker, Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit

4.45pm - Getting serious about on-road bicycle use and safety
George Rechnitzer, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine


9.55am - Keynote Address: Using Digital Health and Digital Technologies to Understand Injury Better – What are the opportunities?
Dr David Hansen, CSIRO, Australia

10.45am - Expansion of the Online Concussion Awareness Training Tool
Shelina Babul, University of British Columbia

10.45am - The more things change, the more they stay the same: Fatal drowning surveillance in 1894 and 2019
Keeley Allen, Royal Life Saving Society - Australia

11.00am - Using a Google Grant: Artificial intelligence for social good to establish a national suicide surveillance system
Debbie Scott, Monash University

11.00am - Work-related injury and illness among older truck drivers in Australia: A population based, retrospective cohort study
Sharon Newnam, Monash University

11.00am - Button batteries, the perfect product safety storm
Ruth Barker, Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit

11.00am - Read me a story - Keeping safe in the surf!
Louise Lambeth, Ocean Beach Surf Life Saving Club

11.15am - Active & Safe Central: A resource to support the prevention of sport injury
Sarah Richmond, Public Health Ontario

11.15am - Severe non fatal injuries to older farmers
Jarrod Walker, The University of Sydney

11.15am - The influence of program evaluation on the Keep Watch toddler drowning prevention program in Western Australia
Rachel Murray, Royal Life Saving Society WA

11.15am - Drowning - Differential Diagnosis in Special Cases
John Pearn, Queensland Children’s Hospital 

11.30am - “The dignity of risk”, and other lame excuses
Ruth Barker, Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit

11.45am - RAPID FIRE PRESENTATION (5MIN) How effective are workplace safety culture interventions? A systematic review
Mohammed Aburumman, Monash University Accident Research Centre

11.50am - RAPID FIRE PRESENTATION (5MIN) Challenges of ensuring the safety and well-being of travelling workers
Fiona O’Sullivan, Queensland Office of Industrial Relations

12.00pm - RAPID FIRE PRESENTATION (5MIN) Reducing serious injuries within trampoline parks
David Eager, UTS

3.30pm - Pre-injury health status of major trauma patients with orthopaedic injuries
Asmare Gelaw, Monash University

3.30pm - In-field operator protective device safety survey of Australian and New Zealand workplace quad bike riders
Raphael Grzebieta, Monash University

4.00pm - 3 steps workplaces can take to reduce chronic disease risk factors and improve injury outcomes
Roslyn Miller, Queensland’s Healthy Workers Unit

4.00pm - Establishing the empirical evidence-base to develop a model for family homicide prediction
Lyndal Bugeja, Monash University

4.15pm - Using ambulance clinical records to understand the relationship between violence, alcohol and other drugs, mental health and self-injurious thoughts and behaviours
Debbie Scott, Monash University


9.00am - Off the radar: Completing the missing pieces of the poisoning puzzle
Jared Brown, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

9.15am - The impact of alcohol and drugs on Australian coastal drownings
Jaz Lawes, Surf Life Saving Australia

9.15am - Spatially forecasting serious injury into the future
Ben Beck, Monash University

9.15am - Characteristics of victims attending Victorian hospitals due to assault by a stranger or multiple persons unknown, 2008 - 2018
Jane Hayman, Monash University Accident Research Centre

9.45am - Unintentional poisonings: The impact of Poisons Information Centres in reducing unnecessary healthcare utilisation
Jared Brown, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

9.45am - A review of the injury prevention workforce in Western Australia
Catrina Wold, Injury Matters

10.00am - Can text mining and machine learning help reduce systematic review workload for injury researchers?
Melita Giummarra, Monash University

10.00am - Patterns of personal responsibility after major trauma
Georgina Lau, Monash University

11.40am - Keynote Address: Defining boundaries before pushing them - Improving road safety capacity and outcomes in Asia by working in partnership
Dr Judy Fleiter, Global Road Safety Partnership, Switzerland