Louise Cosgrove is Team Leader at Kids and Traffic, the Transport for NSW funded Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program at Macquarie University. Louise has worked in a variety of early and adult education settings. She holds a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Educational Leadership in Early Childhood Education. As part of the Kids and Traffic team, Louise has been an advocate for child road safety for many years. She is passionate about working with young children as vulnerable road users, their families and communities to achieve lifelong behavioural change.
Louise Cosgrove
Kids and Traffic, NSW Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program, Macquarie University
Keynote Speakers
Key Dates
12 November 2019
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12 November 2019
AIPN Abstract E-book available to conference attendees
25-27 November 2019
AIPN Conference
14th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference
Hosted by the Australasian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN)
25-27 November 2019, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Grey Street, South Brisbane Qld 4101
www.injuryprevention2019.com | Event hashtag: #aipn19
Iceberg Events | PO Box 1179 Milton Qld 4064 | Ph 07 3876 4988